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TRIOS Scans Improve Your Treatment Plans

Clinical Research Dept.

The perfect partner for effortless digital scanning and treatment planning, TRIOS improves communication with labs, dentists, specialists, and patients

Few things in life would fail to benefit from a healthy dose of collaboration, and dentistry is no exception. Treatment often requires information to be shared with a specialist, lab, manufacturer, or the even the patient themselves.

“Working with a collaborative approach ensures we're communicating with everybody—the technician, the patient, and any other team members who need to be involved in the case,” said Dr. Sonia Leziy, the owner of Vancouver Island Dental Specialists in Nanaimo, British Columbia, where she practices with her husband, Dr. Brahm Miller.

Along with their associates, the two doctors employ a digital workflow to provide a variety of treatment to their patients, and it's fueled by TRIOS intraoral scanners and software.

TRIOS: Built for Collaboration

3Shape’s smallest and lightest scanner to date, the TRIOS 5 makes scanning easy and straightforward thanks to its all-new ScanAssist engine that eliminates the need to scan using a specific strategy. ScanAssist ensures the 3D scan model generated is continuously updated with the latest information, and as a result, the alignment of the scan data is nearly perfect.

This means that users end up with a remarkably high-quality scan regardless of their experience level with scanning. In addition to the scanner itself, a growing portfolio of TRIOS software and patient engagement apps includes TRIOS Patient Monitoring, which provides a visual side-by-side comparison of current vs historical patient scans. This can be particularly helpful when it comes to grafting procedures.

"TRIOS Patient Monitoring is an integral tool when making decisions on recession stability," Dr. Leziy noted. Tying it all together is 3Shape Unite, an open platform that brings together world-leading dental companies, solutions, and labs. 3Shape Unite encourages collaboration through an intuitive interface, a simplified lab order form with built-in chat, an accessible portfolio of patient imaging data, and much more.

The Unite Store lets clinicians find their lab of choice with ease or collaborate with over 1,000 trusted treatment providers or design services.

"The TRIOS is amazing. I think scanning will simplify what you do, modernize your practice, and engage your patients,”
says Sonia Leziy

A Meeting of the Minds

“When I think about a digital workflow, the most important thing is diagnosis and treatment and planning to develop an appropriate plan for our patient. It's designed to help me reduce errors and make sure that I'm collaborating and bringing in as many eyes as possible to execute the best treatments I can,” added Dr. Leziy.

“I'm not saying that dentistry is perfect—we still do make errors and there will always be challenges— but this really reduces the problems that we encounter." Dr. Leziy describes a recent patient case that shows this collaboration at work. A longstanding patient in the practice needed his 4 failing incisors replaced, which had started to drift due to significant periodontal issues.

“The patient had 4 out of 6 markers that would make him high risk for peri-implantitis, so I wanted to handle the case carefully and slowly,” explained Dr. Leziy. After extracting the teeth and performing alveolarridge preservation, she planned for delayed implant placement using 3.3 diameter implants in the central incisor positions and 2.9 diameter implants in the laterals to develop individualized restorations and create the most natural, esthetic outcome. But a conversation with her lab technicians in the planning phase encouraged her to make an adjustment.

“My technicians told me that if we proceeded as planned, we'd have to use angled screw channel technology for the 2 central incisor implants and then cement the laterals because of the smaller diameter size,” said Dr. Leziy.

“I realized that I had the space to place all implants in a 3.3 diameter, which would allow Dr. Miller to use an angled screw channel correction technology for all the restorations. That’s how valuable scanning data is to team collaboration. I’m not sure we would have thought about this if we’d just gone ahead and done it on our own.”

"The most important thing is that everything we do starts with a TRIOS intraoral scan,"
says Brahm Miller

Patient ‘Wow’ for the Win

Patient ‘Wow’ for the Win For Drs. Leziy and Miller, it all starts with a scan. “The most important thing is that everything we do starts with a TRIOS intraoral scan and that we do things in our practice that are archivable,” said Dr. Miller.

“There is no question that I don’t want rooms and rooms full of plaster or stone models.” But it’s more than just a simple convenience. “I think scanning will simplify what you do, modernize your practice, and engage your patients,” added Dr. Leziy. “Every time we scan, the patient is looking at the monitor and saying, ‘Wow, this is amazing.


A recent case snapshot shared by Drs. Leziy and Miller captures the treatment plan for a patient's failing incisors, which were replaced with 4 implant-supported zirconia crowns using angled screw channel correction technology.
Figure 1
Patient presented with 4 failing incisors
Figure 2
Following extraction and alveolar ridge preservation
Figure 3
Preliminary plan and vision of the restorative outcome
Figure 4
Plan changed to 3.3 diameter implants to allow for angled screw correction
Figure 5
Radiograph of implant placement
Figure 6
Final zirconia crowns

ⓘ Originally published in English by Dental Product Shopper.

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